Monday, September 11, 2006

Reccomended reading

1. The perils of cloning - (from Science magazine)

.....A decade later, scientists are starting to come to grips with just how different Dolly was. Dozens of animals have been cloned since that first little lamb--mice, cats, cows, pigs, horses and, most recently, a dog--and it's becoming increasingly clear that they are all, in one way or another, defective.....

Full article:
  • Perils of cloning

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    2. Focus on transhumanisation - Merging of man and machine
    .... in the near future this feedback process will cross a threshold where the technology becomes, in a sense, independent of its creators. Human designers will no longer need to play a role in the process, and computers (or more precisely, transhumans) will be able to continue their evolution on their own. This will free them (us) from the limits set by the fixed capacity of human nature.....

    Full article:
  • transhumanisation

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    3. Pharmacoinformatics - Expanding horizons

    ..... The work in pharmacoinformatics can be broadly divided into two categories - scientific aspects and service aspects. The scientific component deals with the drug discovery and development activities whereas the service oriented aspects are more patient centric.

    Pharmacoinformatics subject feeds on many emerging information technologies like neuroinformatics, immunoinformatics, biosystem informatics, metabolomics, chemical reaction informatics, toxicoinformatics, cancer informatics, genome informatics, proteome informatics, biomedical informatics, etc.....

    Full article:
  • Pharmacoinformatics

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    Also See Weekly Synopsis of your comments at TBI talk back
  • Weekly Synopsis 4 - 10 Sept 2006

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